Debt Portfolio Management Quarterly Report - 1st - 3rd Quarter of 2023 Quarterly information about debt portfolio management of the Czech Republic.
Report on Financial Market Developments in 2022 Reports on Financial Market Developments are published on annual basis. They cover the most significant events and trends in the particular financial market segments.
The Czech Republic left the post-Soviet banks 33 years after the Velvet Revolution On 26 and 27 January 2023, the Czech Republic terminated its membership of the International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC) and the International Investment Bank (IIB) respectively, without any agreement on the settlement of mutual obligations.
Ministry of Finance publishes thereport of the International Monetary Fund Mission in the Czech Republic (February 2012) - STAFF REPORT FOR THE 2012 ARTICLE IV CONSULTATION 21. May 2012
Ministry of Finance publishes the final report of the International Monetary Fund Mission in the Czech Republic (February 2012) 28. February 2012