
Rating of the Czech Republic is an assessment of its credibility. The rating is a synthetic expression of the quality of the Czech state as a debtor and of its economic capability to comply with its own issued obligations and to pay off the interests and the principal of the sum owing in time and in total quantity.

The importance of such rating lies in the fact that the debtor must pay credit spread to its creditors when issuing the securities for the difference between the best and the rating assessments (e.g., AAA), i.e., reference rating, and its worse rating (e.g., A-). Such swap is constantly changing, but the level remains roughly the same.

The Czech Republic Local Currency Long Term Rating:
Rating Agency Rating Outlook Solicited/Unsolicited
Moody´s Aa3 Stable Solicited 
S&P Global Ratings AA Stable Unsolicited 
Fitch Ratings AA- Stable Solicited 
JCR AA Stable Unsolicited 
R&I AA- Stable Unsolicited 
Scope Ratings AA- Stable Unsolicited 
The Czech Republic Foreign Currency Long Term Rating:
Rating Agency Rating Outlook Solicited/Unsolicited
Moody´s Aa3 Stable Solicited 
S&P Global Ratings AA- Stable Unsolicited 
Fitch Ratings AA- Stable Solicited 
 JCR AA- Stable Unsolicited 
R&I AA- Stable Unsolicited 
Scope Ratings AA- Stable Unsolicited 


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