Department 36 – Financial Markets III

The Department is active in the field of consumer protection in financial services, including building savings accounts. It creates the concept, determines the purpose, defines the assignment and changes to the IS managed and operated by the Ministry for the purpose of supervision, processing of applications for the provision of state support for building savings accounts and state contribution to supplementary pension insurance and supplementary pension savings and their return and changes to data on participants. It exercises the Ministry's powers under Act No.96/1993 Coll., Act No.42/1994 Coll. and Act No.427/2011 Coll., with the exception of the supervision of compliance with the conditions for the provision of state support for building savings accounts and the supervision of compliance with obligations in connection with the provision and return of the state contribution to supplementary pension insurance and supplementary pension savings within the scope of the Financial Markets II Department. It ensures, within the limits of its competence, interaction with public authorities and other persons. The Department also develops financial market concept, policy and strategy in the areas of retail financial services, consumer protection in the financial market and financial education. Within the scope of its competence, it prepares strategic proposals, impact and comparative studies, proposals for substantive solutions, proposals for substantive bills and draft legislation, including regulatory impact assessments, and ensures their discussion in internal and external comment procedures, in the Ministry's advisory bodies, in the LCG and its committees, in the Government and in Parliament and its committees. Within the scope of its competence, it represents the Czech Republic in working groups and committees of the European Commission and the Council of the EU and prepares documents for meetings of the Czech representative in the Council of the EU and its committees. Within the scope of its competence, it ensures compliance of legislation and its harmonisation with EU law and other international obligations of the Czech Republic. Within the scope of its competence, it ensures and processes other agenda in relation to the EU, OECD and other international organisations, including representation of the Czech Republic in working groups and committees of the European Commission and the Council of the EU. It monitors and promotes innovation in the financial market and contributes to legislative and non-legislative initiatives on the digital economy and financial market innovation. It coordinates the agenda in the field of financial market innovation and ensures and processes the related agenda in relation to international organisations active in the field of financial innovation.


  • Unit 3601 – Supervision 
  • Unit 3602 – Methodological, Legal and Information Support
  • Unit 3603 – Retail Financial Services and Consumer Protection
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